Health benefits of Date

Dates(Khajoor) are full of nutritional and health benefits. The details about its nutritional values is given at this page.

Health benefits of eating Dates with eragrd to general and specific diseases are as under(with dosage):-

1. Weakness/ Low Weight:- Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who are suffering from over slimming problem. Adults/ Children who are weak/ slim and suffer from periodic respiratory/other diseases/ weak immune system eat 4 Dates and 4 Almonds for 15 days. After eating these drink a glass of warm milk. This can be eaten either in night before going to bed or early morning before going to school/work. In summer season in place of eating the dates the dates may be soaked in water and in morning it should be taken. This ends the hot character of the dates.

2. Anaemia: Dates milk shake is best to improve Hemoglobin level in the body. Dates are rich in iron and are very useful in the treatment of anemia. 
Take date Milk Shake with 4 dates in one glass milk per person per day for 30 days. If your baby is not in mood to take the date/ almond make a milk shake by grinding the fine paste of dates and almonds in it.

3. Respiratory Infection/Cough: For those suffering from respiratory infection and have Cough/Excess yellow brown Sputum/Balghum should take daily 3-4 dates in your meal. To remove extra Sputum/cough of new born baby just mash it finely with honey and lick it to the baby. One of the property of date is clean out baby’s chest. Variation of this practice is to boil 4-5 khajoor in milk for 5 mins. When the milk is lukewarm drink milk and chew dates.

4. Constipation: Dates help in establishing a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect. To deal with serious Constipation have breakfast with 8 Dates and ¼ cup of Rose water for 15 days. For this dates must be soaked overnight in water and consumed in the early morning by grinding in in paste. If you do not have Rose water go ahead with dates alone. Dates help in improving the digestive system and prevent from colon and abdominal cancer.due to its soluble fibre ( beta-D-glucan) content, this is an excellent source of natural dietary fibre which helps in fighting constipation. Fibre increases the capacity to hold water and increases softness of stool. Fibre helps in making stool bulky by adding weight to it, this facilitates movement of stools from intestine to rectum. Dates also help in regulating bowel movement. Read more about Constipation

5. Acidity/Gastritis/heartburn: Dates are alkaline.(increases PH of Stomach and works like antacid/pantop). They help in curbing acidity by leaving an alkaline residue after digestion occurs. In condition of acidity, dates must be taken first thing in morning. It helps to improve the digestive system as it contains different kinds of amino acids and soluble and insoluble fibers.

6. Heart Disorder/ High Blood Pressure: The research that potassium intake is to some extent reduced the risk of stroke. Dates also help to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol. Dates contain about 656 mg of potassium per 100g which makes them a powerhouse of potassium. According to WHO guidelines, an adult should consume 3,510 mg of potassium every day. Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat.  Dates soaked overnight should be taken twice a week which strengthens the heart. 

7. Eases child-birth: Eating dates eases the pain of childbirth. Scientifically they are known to contain hormones which strengthen the uterus, help produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth. (The ripe fruit contains a substance that urges uterine spasms and increases contractions especially in the time of delivery. This substance resembles ‘oxytocin’ that is secreted by pituitary gland, which encourages contractions of the uterus. Dates contain some stimulants which strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. This helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery and reduces post-natal bleeding).

8. Ideal for breast-feeding mothers: Dieticians consider dates the best food for breast-feeding mothers. This is because dates contain elements that assist in alleviating depression and enrich the breast milk with the nutrients needed to make the child healthy and resistant to disease.

9. Bone maker: Calcium is important for strong bones so this is an additional benefit that dates provide. As dates are rich in calcium, they contribute to healthy bones. For this reason it is recommended that children and older adults, especially women, eat plenty of dates to strengthen their bones.

10. Liver Inflammation: Dates are remedy for Liver and purge it from toxins. Eating dates is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the Liver from accumulated toxins. 

11. Remedy for Intoxication: Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In such a case, drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will bring quick relief.

12. Fever: Drinking dates juice is beneficial in treatment of sore throat, various types ofever, rhinorrhia and common cold. alternatively boil 4-5 dates in milk, and drink the milk and chew remaining dates.

13. Aphrodiasc/ Old Age debility: Dates  helps to increase sexual stamina. Soak few dates in goats milk at night. In the morning grind with milk and honey and cardamom powder and then drink.This is very useful in increasing sexual endurance and sterility.The elderly would benefit from this syrup too. It improves their stamina and purges their bodies from the toxins that have accumulated in their cells along the years thus curing the debility.

14. Prostrate Enlargement: Those who are diagnosed with BPH and recommended TURP may get the symptoms relieved by the use of Dates. The Prostrate enlargement is common ailment of men above 50. Except symptom of frequent urge to urinate it does not causes other harm. Doctors most of the time recommend Urimax/ Flotral/ Silodal for supressing the symptoms. Dates/Khajoor/ Karjooram/Pericham pazham can be used to relieve the prostate symptoms. Summer: In evening soak 4 dates in water and in the mornings eat the soaked dates.The symptoms are greatly reduced. This is done in summers. In winters the dates are boiled in milk, the milk can be drunk while the dates can be eaten.

16. Overeating: Dates are  "crown of sweets," and ideal food which is easy to digest, and within half an hour of taking it, the tired body regains a renewed vigour. The reason for this is that a shortage of sugar in the blood is the main factor that makes people feel hungry and not an empty stomach as is often assumed. When the body absorbs the nutritional essence of a few dates, the feeling of hunger becomes appeased. When one breaking the fast with dates takes some other food afterwards, he cannot eat much. It would seem that breaking the fast with dates then helps one avoid excessive eating. For patients suffering with overeating/overweight 4 dates/day is recommended. In summer take dates which are overnight soaked in water.

17. Giddiness: When a child/adult suffers from giddiness give him 3-4 dates. Scientifically it is known that a fall in the level of the sugar in the blood and low blood pressure are among the causes of giddiness. 

18. Nephrology/ Kidney Problem/Dialysis Patients:  Take 7 dates make its decotation drink in morning and like wise in evening. Do not eat the Khajoor. 
Combination of Date and Kharbuja/ Tarbuj works very well. 

19. Children incontinence/Urination in Bed: Make laddu of Khajoor and Black Til and give to babies. The Recipe of the Laddu is as under:-

Ingradient: Chopped pitted dates-1 cup, Roasted black sesame seeds-1/2 cup, Dry fruits of your choice chopped (optional)-1 table spoon, Graded coconut-2 to 3 table spoons
1.Grind dates along with sesame seeds and place in a bowl
2.Roast the nuts/dry fruits(optional) in ghee/butter and add to the dates mixture
3.Shape into laddu
4.Then roll the laddus in coconut powder

Grind entire kharbuja and drink eat for entire day.

Ideal dosage: between 6-8 dates per diet twice a day.

Eating half ripe and old dates together is harmful; similarly, eating dates with grapes, currants, raisins or figs, eating a large quantity of dates immediately after recovering from an illness in weakness and eating dates whilst suffering from an eye infection are all harmful.

Not more than approximately 60 grams of dates should be eaten at a time. When eating old dates you should open them up and check them for small red insects and clean them. It is disliked (Makruh) to eat dates which are suspected to be infested without cleaning them. (Awnul Ma’bood, V10, P246) Sellers often rub mustard oil on dates to make them look shiny so it is better to soak them in water for a few minutes to remove any fly droppings and dirt and then wash them before eating. Fresh ripe tree dates are the most beneficial.

we now know that one kilogram of dates contains nearly 3,000 calories which alone are sufficient to supply the minimum daily requirements of an active man for one full day.
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Here we remember the Hadith of our prophet (PBUH) : (When any of you breaks his fasting he should eat dates cause dates are blessing, if he didn’t find dates then drink water cause water is purifying) [Narrated by Abo Dawood].Here we see that the prophet (PBUH) showed us the principles of effective fasting, by eating dates and drinking water at breakfast centuries before Westerns.

The prophetic wisdom out of having Dates for breakfast might be reduce the hunger and consequently, reduce the amounts of food consumed; therefore the fasting will be effective and useful. And if we remember that fasting consider the best weapon to excise toxics out of the body, then having dates ( toxin-resistive ) when you break your fast represent a real integrated treatment against weakness and fatigue resulted from the accumulation of toxic chemicals and heavy metals in the cells of the body.

Figures (2) Date lose 1/3 of their water content when dried in the sun. Dried dates contain a high ratio of natural sugar hence; they are the best food for fasters

A Treatment for Obesity

The wide variety of nutritious elements in dates makes it hunger-resistive! And when we know that the cause behind Obesity is a persisting feeling of hunger and an appetite for food which drives a person to consume larger amounts of fats and sugar when he eat his meal. So treatment by eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger and be filled. These dates will provide the body with the necessary sugar and stimulate the intestine which reduce hunger greatly, and eventually, reduce food consumption. The miraculousness of the prophet’s saying shows as he said: (A household that has dates doesn’t feel hunger) [narrated by Muslim]. We can conclude that dates can be used to treat Obesity!.

Date have fluorine and slows down the tooth decay.

Dates are rich in potassium and low in sodium. It helps to regulate the health of the nervous system. 

Dates are great amps of energy because they contain natural sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. For more benefits add dates to milk and make a very nutritious snacks. Dates are very low in calories and are ideal for those health conscious.
It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.

Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.

Dates are Remedies for stomach cancer. The best thing is that there is no negative effect on the body and is completely natural and works like a medicine. 

It also helps to improve vision and help cure blindness.

If a diabetes patient is injured burn Dates on fire to make the ashes or use its tree gum. Apply this ash or gum on their wounds to stop the running blood and also healing from injury. 

By adding 1 tablespoon Honey, 7 Almonds, 1 teaspoon Poppy seeds and 2-3 Black pepper in dates milkshake is the best to stop semen leakage during night dreaming.

Rub Dates seed in a tablespoon of water and take to the patients who is dealing with loose motion. Best remedy for loose motion.

Best for pregnant women and also help to decrease foot swelling during pregnancy. 

Gastritis patient takes 3 Dates daily with your breakfast and drink tea after eating it. Very much effective to treat this condition. 

The humble khajur is full of essential nutrients which our body needs for various functions. It can be consumed in various forms – date chutney or sauce, part of a sweet dish, dried, fresh, seeded, seedless, etc. Not only do they taste so good, they also have the following health benefits.

Maintains sugar levels: Want to satisfy your sugar craving? Instead of gorging on candies coated with sugar, have a few pieces of dates or sweets made out of it to beat your sugar craving in a healthy way. They are a good substitute for white sugar as they are free of sodium, cholesterol and fats. But remember, their calorific value is higher than other fruits so too much can lead to weight gain. (Read:Healthy date and walnut sweetmeat)

Aids digestion: These little nuggets are rich in fibre which means they are good for our digestive system and bowel movements. It also means, they prevent the build-up of LDL cholesterol which can put your heart health at risk by increasing your chances of getting hypertension, stroke, heart disease, etc.

Prevents anaemia: Iron is an essential nutrient required by our body to prevent anaemia. It helps our red blood cells carry oxygen better to various body parts which help in their better functioning. Lack of iron can leave you feeling fatigued even after doing the smallest of tasks. Eating khajur can beat this deficiency. (Read: There’s more to anaemia than just iron deficiency!)

Lowers risk of heart disease:  Lower levels of which can make one more susceptible to high blood pressure, stroke, etc. (Read: Top 10 heart healthy foods)

Improves overall health: Apart from all the above goodness, dates are also rich in other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. Both magnesium and calcium are needed by the body for proper bone growth while vitamin B6 is needed to break down protein, maintain normal levels of nerve function.
To treat the inflammation in stomach take 4 seeds of Dates powder with water. Best tip for burning stomach.

If you want to have a beautiful figure eat daily 7 Dates with Fresh Cucumber.

To improve blood flow for scanty periods daily eat 10-15 Dates with Honey 2 times. 

Boil Dates plant roots in water and gargle with this water to remove tooth pain.

 To remove the side effects of medicine soak 3-4 dates in water for 6 hours. Filter it and drink this water. Also best to improve Liver health.

To improve appetite/hunger grind Fennel seeds with Almonds and make a paste with honey and mashed dates. Eat it daily 1 tablespoon 1 hour before having your every meal. 

After delivery or birth a baby to treat the weakness just boil 7 dates in 1 glass of milk. Taking it daily before breakfast best to power your body and strengthen your bones. Prevent your body from any complication after delivery.  

 The application of raw dates paste on your face is the best mask for all types of skin and the best anti-aging mask for glowing skin. 

Make a paste with 1-2 fresh Ajwa Dates (Ajwa khajoor) with its seeds and eat it early in the morning with an empty stomach. The best natural tip to enlarge narrow or congested heart veins.

Among the many different properties that we already know from dates it is worth mentioning the effects that dates have on labour. In a prospective study carried out between 1 February 2007 and 31 January 2008 at Jordan University of Science and Technology on 69 women who consumed six date fruits per day for 4 weeks, it was noted that the consumption of date fruit in the last 4 weeks before labour significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labour, and produced a more favourable, but non-significant, delivery outcome [18].


Dates/khajoor wonder fruit for RamadaanPDFPrint

Muslims generally break their fast by eating dates. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said: "if anyone of you is fasting, let him break his fast with dates. In case he does not have them, then with water. Verily water is a purifier."

The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) used to break his fast by eating some dates before offering Maghrib prayer, and if ripe dates were not available, he used to substitute them with some dried grapes. When they too were not available, he used to have a few sips of water, according to some reports.

Dates are the fruits of the date palm tree which is a food of high nutritional value. They are used abundantly in the month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The sweetness of the date takes the edge off hunger and this is another reason why fasts are opened with dates. This prevents a person from overeating after he has opened his fast.

Dates contain calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, volatile oils, Vitamin-B6, folic acid, Potassium, Iron and Magnesium, proteins, sugars, vitamins and are rich in natural fibres which contribute to a healthy body and mind.

Dates provides natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose which is ready for immediate absorption and, is infinitely far superior to cane-sugar. Modern science found that dates play an important role in the complete diet of man. They content sugar, fats, proteins and necessary vitamins.
Dates also contain such elements that are a very effective remedy for the prevention of stomach cancer progression.

Dates prevail over other fruit in their diverse composition; they contain iron, phosphor, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium and many others.
Arabs often combine dates with milk, yoghurt or bread, butter and fish. Such combination undoubtedly provides a delicious diet, healthy for body and mind.
In the Holy Quraan dates are mentioned 20 times, that once more emphasizes a very important role of dates in human life.
After having eaten dates, even a very tired man for half an hour feels his forces return and energy restore

Eating dates has great benefits which can be illustrated as follows:
1.      Prevents Cancer: Dates are very nutritious and contain natural fibres. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer. In general Bedouin Arabs, who eat them on a regular basis, show an extremely low incidence rate of cancer.

3.    Treatment for Obesity: The wide variety of nutritious elements in dates makes it hunger-resistive! So treatment by eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger and be filled. These dates will provide the body with the necessary sugar and stimulate the intestine which reduce hunger greatly, and eventually, reduce food consumption.

7.    Modern science has also proved the effectiveness of dates, in preventing diseases of the respiratory system.

8.    Intestinal Disturbances: Eating dates in the morning on an empty stomach kills intestinal worms and other parasites, for dates have an antidote potency which restrains their growth. According to Metchnikoff, a Great Russian scientist, liberal use of dates keeps in check the growth of pathological organisms and helps to establish a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines.

9.    Improves Eye sight: Dates are also important in maintaining good vision and are effective in guarding against night-blindness.

10.   Cures constipation: Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.
11. Remedy for Liver and Inflammations: Dates remedy Lever and purge it from toxins, breaking the fast with dates, is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the Lever from accumulated toxins. And also drinking dates juice could be used in the treatment of sore throat, various types of fever, rhinorrhia and common cold.

12. Remedy for Intoxication: Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In such a case, drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will bring quick relief

13.   Children’s Disease: Dates tied to a wrist of the baby and allowed to be sucked during teething period hardens the gums and also prevents other complaints like restlessness and diarrhoea.

Dates contain 80 percent carbohydrates (fructose) along with protein, minerals and vitamins. They have very little fat and no cholesterol. Their nutrients are bio available even to children and the elderly. Let us review some of these nutrients.

Magnesium in the fruit lowers blood pressure; relaxes the muscles, nerves and arteries; helps make bone mass; protects against cancer (lung); and controls hypertension and heartbeat along with its copper content.

Calcium in dates is another muscle, artery, and nerve relaxant; builds bones; prevents osteoporosis; and helps regulate blood pressure.
Potassium from the fruit strengthens the heart muscles; enhances appetite; prevents muscle spasms; lowers blood pressure; improves bone structure; and reduces cancer risk.

Selenium in the fruit prevents infections (hospital bacteria); prevents antibiotic resistance; works against cancer; strengthens immunity; reduces joint inflammation; improves mood disorders; normalizes thyroid activity; and enhances fertility.

Sodium, chloride, and potassium contents in the fruit help balance stomach acid.
Iron along with vitamin B2 and copper in dates builds red blood cells; transports oxygen in the blood and muscles; improves vision; provides energy; is important for child bearing years and pregnancies; and eases delivery.

Fluorine in the fruit protects against tooth decay, making dates a good substitute for sweets for children.
Vitamin C in dates is high enough to protect against scurvy; strengthen blood vessel walls; help gum disease and bleeding; and bolster and aid in liver detoxification.

Vitamin A’s availability in the date improves eye and skin dryness, night vision and sexual drive.
Vitamins B1 and B2 respectively treat nervous system disorders and anaemia.
Pectin in dates, like apples and pears, lowers cholesterol to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Fibre is high in dates. It improves digestion and bowel movement and decreases colon cancer risk.
Traditional medicine in Arabia prescribes dates for many conditions ranging from digestive and respiratory disorders and bone building to pregnancy, childbirth, flagging sexual drive, low sperm count, fertility, and insect bites. During pregnancy, they bolster energy; supplement mother with important nutrients; prepare for delivery and lactation; regulate contractions; and prevent haemorrhage

1)Dates are rich in Vitamin A and are considered good for vision. People who daily consume only 1-2 dates rarely suffered from vision problems.

•(2)Dates are rich in dietary fibers and considered best for weight gaining.For Best results try to consume 3-4 dates followed by a glass of milk.

•(3)Dates are also beneficial for increasing sexual stamina in the human body. A handful of dates, when soaked in fresh goat's milk for the night and then grinded in the same milk with the mixture of cardamom(Moti Elaichi) powder and honey becomes a very useful tonic for increasing sexual stamina.

•(4)Dates are rich in multiple nutrients and also considered best for pregnant and breast feeding women.

•(5)Dates are easily digestible and are immediate source of energy. Date gives extra energy to a tired human body within half an hour after consuming it.

•(6)Dates are also known as laxative food that`s why considered best for people suffering from constipation.

•(7)Dates improve digestion and prevent from colon and abdominal cancer.

•(8)As dates are also rich in calcium, they help strengthen the bones.

•(9)Dates are an excellent source of iron, contains 0.90 mg/100 g of fruits and help a lot in production of red blood cells.

•(10)Dates are rich in potassium ions that help to control blood pressure. Dates are helpful in maintaining your Heart in a healthy condition and prevent from many heart diseases

Secrets of Remedy by Dates - Khajoor

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave a special attention for Dates as part of the believer’s diet especially during the Holy month Ramadan. Allah Almighty mentioned Palm trees many times in the Quraan, and made it the food of the dwellers of Paradise, So what are the secrets of this great nutriment? Is it possible to think of using dates as remedy for some diseases? What do scientists of today say about dates?

Dates are one of the most nourishing fruits and It’s called sometimes “Bread of Desert”, More than two third of dates’ weight is natural sugar. This fruit was highly esteemed by the ancient civilizations more than 5000 years ago; ancient Egyptians considered dates as a symbol of fertility, while the Romans and the Greeks used it to ornament their stately triumph pageants[1]. Today, dates are widely-grown in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Spain, Italy and the United States. There are more than 600 varieties of dates[2].

Next, we are going to explore the usefulness of dates to humans throughout the different stages of their lives.

Dates and the Prebirth period

Dates stimulate the uterus by regulating And brisking it's contractions which facilitate delivery. The uterus is a relatively large muscular organ and it urgently requires an adequate supply of natural sugar during labor and delivery. Being laxative, dates are essential for pregnant women before delivery in order to purge the colon and intestine and to facilitate delivery. The miraculousness of the Quranic verse shows evidently as Allah tells Mary: (And shake the trunk of the palm tree towards thee – thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee) [Mariam – 25]

Nutriment and medicine for children

Dates contain natural sugar which is easily absorbed and digested, thus, it is safe and comforting for children’s stomach and intestine. And the dates juice is useful especially if we mix it with Milk to become very nourishing and restorative drink for children and adults. Dates and honey paste is used for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery in children but it should be taken three times a day.

This paste also comforts and hardening the gums during teething and facilitates the process.

It is advisable to purchase the good varieties of dates and to wash them thoroughly before use especially when used as food or remedy for children. Here, we should mention the prophetic tradition of (Al Tahneek); rubbing the newborn’s mouth with a well-chewed date and feeding him with it. Science has proved that giving the newborn some sugar dissolved in water provides the child with the necessary nutrition and improves their immunity against diseases.

And when we know that sugar in dates is the most easily absorbed and digested type of sugar so it will be suitable nutriment for newborns but the dates should be well-chewed or soaked in water to be easy for the newborn to take. This proves that the great prophet (PBUH) preceded today’s doctors to this type of nutrition. It’s no wonder that he preceded them as he is the messenger of their God.

Figure (1) Dates are the best nutriment for newborns since pregnancy and during breast feeding

An effective treatment for constipation

Dates can be used in the treatment of intestinal disturbances and it also helps the intestine perform their function effectively, and helps establishing a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect [3].

A Remedy for Sexual Debility

Date syrup can be used as a treatment for weak heart. It can also be use for the treatment of sexual weakness. When it’s mixed with milk and honey, dates can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes, And such syrup strengthens the body and raises its energy levels.

An Ideal Nutriment for Fasters

It was very weird that western physicians who treat their patients by fasting advise them by taking the natural sugar in fruits and water when breaking the fast [4]. And when we know that dates contain a high ratio of such easily-absorbed sugar then dates and water are the best nutriments for fasters.

If we deeply study the medical implications of the Hadith, we realize its miraculousness:

1- The prophet (PBUH) used the number 7. This number has significance in the universe, the Quran and the prophetic tradition. It’s enough to know that the first number mentioned in the Quran was Number 7.

2- 7 dates weigh approximately 70 grams which provides a sufficient intake of a wide variety of minerals, salts and vitamins for the body.

3- This amount is sufficient to purge the body from the accumulated toxins in the cells; like heavy metals, lead as an example. The accumulation of toxins has increased nowadays due to widespread water, air and food pollution.

4- The Hadith implicitly referred to the toxins entering the body as (Poison). He also indicated that eating dates reduces the dangers such toxins impose the body to.

5- As for the word (Witchcraft); only God knows what was meant with it.

6- The Hadith doesn’t imply that taking poison after eating seven dates would be completely harmless, In fact, doing this deliberately is considered as harming one’s self on purpose and this is forbidden in Islam. But we have to undersand that Hadith means that eating seven dates each morning reduces the harmful effects of toxicants. In order to make the process more effective, regularity with eating seven dates in the morning should be maintained. As our Prophet (PBUH) asked us to do.

And we should understand from the Hadith that eating dates everyday regularly And in order will effect our psychological state and make it more stable, God only know the truth.

Figure (3) All the parts of the palm tree are beneficial! The leaves are for building house roofs; the wood is for heating; dates are highly nutritious, even date seeds can be immersed in water and given to horses, camels and hens as perfect food.

Date in numbers:

Having high medical and nutritious value, dates are expected to be the best food for the future. Dates contain as high a percentage as 88% of carbohydrate (starch), (2.5-5%) of fat, (2.3-5.6%) of Protein and (6.4-11.5%) of Vitamins and dietary fibre. The flesh contains (0.2 – 5%) of oil, whereas the seed’s weight is (7.7 -9.7%) oil. The weight of the seed is (6.6 – 14.2%) of the date’s weight.

Dates contain Vitamins A, B1 and B2, And contain Fluorine who defeats teeth decay. Other minerals that are found in various proportions in dates include boron, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium and zinc. Additionally, the seeds contain aluminum, cadmium, chloride, lead and sulphur in various proportions. Selenium, element believed to help prevent cancer and important in immune function, is also found in dates.

For all of the previously mentioned benefits, date is the ideal food for the future. The fruit’s production has increased 3 times over 40 years, whereas the world population has only doubled, an indication to the rapid growth of the production of this ideal fruit[1].

And finally...

Dear Believer if you are feeling weak, don’t hesitate to take 7 dates in the morning as the prophet (PBUH) recommended. those Seven dates weigh around 70 gm, so if you take them, then you actually took 70 milligrams of calcium - which is very useful for the bones, joints and nerves, 35 milligrams of phosphorus which is nutritious to the brain and 7 milligrams of iron which is strengthens the body in general and the heart in particular.

It’s also suitable for reducing weight as it only contains 0.25 gm of fat. So if you suffer from Obesity, then this meal is the right thing for you. This prophetic meal regulates and stimulates the bowels with the10 gm of dietary fiber it contains.

So won’t you say yes to the prophetic advice?!

Other Link

Read what Egypt medicine says about the Date Palm Click here